Celebrating Shakespeare, Exploring Our Collections
Audiences are invited to the hometown of William Shakespeare to celebrate his 461st birthday.
Shakespeare's Birthplace is set to welcome a new exhibition this spring.
Shakespeare's BirthplaceFamilies are invited to Stratford-upon-Avon for a weekend of free performances, live arts, and hands-on crafting to celebrate the end of Shakespeare Week on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March 2025.
Entries for the annual Shakespeare Shorts Film Competition are now open.
Shakespeare ShortsVisitors invited to the historic Shakespeare family homes in Stratford-upon-Avon to enjoy a special series of events and activities.
Project Partner Announced to Explore the Potential of a World Shakespeare Campus in the Heart of Stratford-upon-Avon
Masterplan World Shakespeare CampusThe Shakespeare Birthplace Trust is celebrating a donation from NFU Mutual following another successful season where the insurance provider has contributed to the preservation and care of the Shakespeare family homes.
VolunteeringHall’s Croft, the Grade I listed building once home to William Shakespeare’s eldest daughter, Susanna Hall, will begin a significant conservation project this spring.
Hall's Croft