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The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Welcomes Stratford Gateway Funding Announcement

Gateway image

The independent charity responsible for conserving and sharing the Shakespeare family homes with the world has, today, welcomed the confirmation of investment in the Gateway site in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Following the announcement this week [17/07/2024] from the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) the approval, in principle, of a multi-million-pound investment for 118 new homes in the heart of the town, the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has welcomed the investment as well as the potential cultural opportunities the redevelopment offers.

The decision on the funding of housing is being seen as the start of a wider regeneration scheme of the main route into Stratford-upon-Avon, known as the Gateway. The overall vision, led by Stratford-on-Avon District Council (SDC) includes the exploration of the wider cultural opportunity for the site, with the potential creation of a landmark new museum and cultural attraction.

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust has worked closely with SDC to conceive this vision and has supported the development of the Supplementary Planning Document, approved by Cabinet in April 2024. This document encapsulates a shared and expansive ambition to place Stratford-upon-Avon and Shakespeare at the heart of a national cultural conversation.

“We have always been seized by the importance of this site for Stratford upon Avon’s future and for the potential it offers to create a major new museum destination with Shakespeare’s own story and engagement with his work at its heart.”

Said Tim Cooke, CEO of Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

“On top of the unique Shakespearian heritage of the town and of course an exceptional performance tradition there is now a clearer pathway to how we can explore the idea of a truly world-class visitor and museum centre which can inspire people from across the globe to find a place for Shakespeare in their lives, communities and aspirations.”

Penelope, Viscountess Cobham CBE, chair of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust commented:

“This is a significant moment in the future of the Gateway site. We are delighted to be a leading cultural partner alongside Stratford District Council as we work together to develop our shared ambition to explore the potential for a new Shakespeare Museum and destination cultural attraction which celebrates Stratford-upon-Avon’s unique heritage and place in the Shakespeare story.”

The next phase of the Trust’s masterplanning will see the detailed scoping of the proposed new museum and how it can showcase the Trust’s Shakespeare-related collections but also those collections in the Trust’s care which speak to the wider story of Stratford-upon-Avon and its communities. This work will include undertaking a far-reaching consultation with community partners and stakeholders, locally, nationally and across the globe to assess the viability of the scheme, as well as how it can help support the overall cultural life of the town.