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How to Make a Pine Cone Bird Feeder

Encourage biodiversity in your own garden with this sustainable Shakespeare craft activity

One of the stands at our Sustainable Shakespeare Community Fun Day was dedicated to making pine cone bird feeders which people could take away and hang in their garden. If you’d like to have a go at making one for your garden, follow our step by step guide below.

You will need:

  • Pine or fir cones (dried out so they don't open any further)
  • Bird seed
  • Raisins
  • Lard
  • A mixing bowl
  • Scissors
  • String


  • Grated cheese


  1. Loop string around the top of a pine cone and tie it off. This means you will be able to hang your pine cone feeder from a tree once you have finished.
  2. Cut the lard into small pieces and bring it to room temperature. Make sure it doesn’t melt – it still needs to be fairly solid for use to use it for this recipe. Put the small pieces of lard in a mixing bowl.
  3. Add the bird seed and raisins to the bowl. Mix them together with your fingertips until the fat holds all of the ingredients together.
  4. Smear your mixture around the cones with your hands, creating a ball shape. Make sure you press the mixture in tightly so it gets right into the pine cone.
  5. Before putting it out in your garden, leave the cone in the fridge to set for at least an hour. Once an hour has gone, it will be ready to hang up outside. Sit back and watch the birds enjoy their tasty treat!

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