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Katie Ledwidge

Meet Katie Ledwidge, our Learning Team Administrator


Katie Ledwidge

What is your job title?

Learning Team Administrator

What kind of things does your job typically entail?

Booking school sessions and arranging residential courses which involves responding to initial enquiries, providing follow-up information, scheduling and logistics including liaising with teachers/group leaders, deliverers and other departments within the Trust.

Why do you think learning about Shakespeare and his work is important to us today?

Because no matter your life experiences or where you are from his stories will likely resonate and include something of interest.

What is your favourite Shakespeare related experience- at SBT or elsewhere?

The RSC’s 1984 production of Love’s Labour’s Lost. It was one of the first Shakespeare productions I saw, had a fantastic cast, was beautifully and amusingly staged and as so often happens just when you think it’s all going to end “happily ever after”, life (and in this case death) gets in the way.

What are the challenges, do you think, in bringing Shakespeare to life for contemporary audiences?

Removing the belief that Shakespeare is only something you study in school, no longer relevant today and is hard to understand.

Finally- what is your favourite joke? Doesn’t have to be Shakespearean…

What’s the best thing about Switzerland?

I don’t know, but the flag’s a big plus.

Where Shakespeare's story started Relive Shakespeare's love story Walk in Shakespeare's footsteps