Research Conversations
A programme of free online talks with people engaged in Shakespeare-related research
About our Research Conversations:
Every month we host a live online talk, via Zoom, which provides you with the opportunity to listen to and ask questions of people who are engaged in Shakespeare-related research.
The talks begin with a thirty-minute presentation, followed by an open discussion. They are completely free to attend, and open to all.
2024 programme of Research Conversations:
This year all our Research Conversations are part of our multi-year programme The Women Who Made Shakespeare. Here's a taster of forthcoming talks:
11 December - On Judith Shakespeare Quiney with Laurie Maguire
8 January - Searching for Juliet with Sophie Duncan
12 February - Suffragette Shakespeare! with Nikki Pearson
12 March - Aspects of Shakespeare's Women with Abigail Rokison
9 April - Playing Shakespeare's Women with Dame Judi Dench and Brendan O'Hea
14 May - Female Friendship in Shakespeare (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) with Gillian Woods
11 June - Queen Cleopatra with Dame Janet Suzman
9 July - Women and Hamlet with M.J Kidnie
13 August - Shakespeare's Female Characters in Pakistan with Henna Karamat
10 September - Directing Shakespeare's Women with Tamara Harvey
8 October - TBC
12 November - Shakespeare and Consent/Shakespeare’s Historical Women with Hailey Bachrach
10 December - TBC
How to book:
Our Research Conversations take place on the second Wednesday of every month, between 5-6pm (UK time). Booking is essential.
Attendance is free though we encourage donations in order to support our work and keep Shakespeare's story. Thank you for your support.
>> See our What's On pages for more information and to book your tickets.
Previous Research Conversations
Listen to audio recordings of our previous events