Mementoes of Shakespeare’s Home – Comfort in a Time of Crisis
Jim Ranahan
Jim Ranahan
Shakespeare's New Place Sustainable Shakespeare
Ania Bas is an artist and writer and organiser who works across text, performance, publishing and social engagement.
Ania BasSecretary of the Shakespeare Club, Sylvia Morris, delves into the fascinating story of the oldest Shakespeare organisation as it celebrates its 200th anniversary.
Sylvia MorrisSpring is in the air and our Garden’s Manager, Sian Cooper, is taking you through how we get our gardens ready for the season and ahead of reopening.
Prof. Charlotte Scott highlights the often overlooked women in the Shakespeare family, who played significant roles in his life and contributed to his cultural legacy.
Professor Charlotte ScottGwenan Parsons
Your Chance to Explore Shakespeare
Emily White First Folio at 400