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12 Days of Shakespeare: Facts about Shakespeare

Want to know more about the man behind the plays? Let's start with a few basics.

This extract is taken from our '23 facts about William Shakespeare' video, which was sent with our thanks to every person who pledged their support to our Kickstarter Crowd-funding campaign earlier this year.

In June 2016, we invited the world to play a part in our ambitious re-imagining of Shakespeare's New Place by contributing towards the cost of a series of unique and beautiful works of art that were commissioned to stand at the heart of this creative project. During the 30 day campaign, 165 backers pledged £13,429 to help bring the site of Shakespeare's grown up home in Stratford-upon-Avon to life.

We were delighted to reach and surpass our starting goal for the crowd-funding campaign, but we weren't going to stop there! The more we raise through fundraising efforts like this, the more we can do to help people connect with Shakespeare here in Stratford-upon-Avon and around the world. 

Step this way to find out more about how you can support the work of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.


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