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All the latest Shakespeare news and behind the scenes action at SBT

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The Weapons of War


In light of our exhibition at Hall's Croft, read about the evolution of weapons from Shakespeare's times to the days of the first World War.

Jamie Weisz
First World War

Richard Burton as Hamlet


For Shakespeare's 450th birthday, we're going back 50 years to see what was done for his 400th birthday celebrations. In 1964, renowned Shakespearian actor Richard Burton famously took on the role of Hamlet.

Helen Cook
Shakespeare: 450 Years Young Hamlet

A Portrait of an Actor


Take a look at some dramatic portraits of William Sly, Nathan Field, and Richard Burbage (all of whom were friends of William Shakespeare and acted in his plays), and see what these sorts of paintings can tell us about the statuses of their subjects.

Rosalyn Sklar
Shakespeare and his World--MOOC

Susanna and the Elders


Rosalyn Sklar discusses the Biblical story of "Susanna and the Elders" in the book of Daniel, and its potential as the origin of William Shakespeare's and Anne Hathaway's eldest daughter's name.

Rosalyn Sklar
Shakespeare and his World--MOOC