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Children go on a mission with Shakespeare!

New digital challenges introduced for Shakespeare Week 2017

Mission Shakespeare

Here at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, we have set children across the nation a mission to get online and learn about Shakespeare, thanks to a new interactive partnership for Shakespeare Week 2017.

Mission Shakespeare is a set of online challenges for primary school children, created to encourage active learning of all things Shakespeare. It combines knowledge with fun, to appeal to our younger generation and introduce them to our greatest playwright. Children will be challenged on a range of creative tasks, from writing poetry and performing a Shakespeare rap, to imagining how Shakespeare might have looked with a puppet and cooking up their own Shakespearian recipes!

This has all been made possible by three non-for-profit organisations; Coventry University, DigitalMe, and of course, the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. They have created a safe and secure environment in which the children can learn and enjoy themselves, both at school and at home, working towards completing challenges and earning digital badges, designed by award-winning children's author and illustrator Marcia Williams.

Shakespeare Week is organised by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust as a way to share and celebrate the playwright's work, life, and times with every primary school child in the country. Now in its fourth year, the initiative provides teachers, home educators, and families with free resources to teach and enjoy Shakespeare across all subjects.

To take part in Shakespeare Week 2017, register here.