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Life as an Intern

Sam is currently in his second year of doing a BA in English and Creative Writing at the University of Birmingham. He is on a placement in the Marketing Department, coming in once a week over a 10 week period from January. Read below about his experience so far.

Bethany Hughes

What does your internship entail?

My university gives you the option to do a placement as part of a module and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust was on the list of places we could choose. In the role I mainly write up ideas for social media posts and write copy for the website and leaflets.

What do you think you’ve gained from this experience?

I’ve never actually been in an office before so that was a new thing so it's a good experience. Shakespeare is a massive part of studying English and for the creative writing side of the degree, it’s good to use your skills in a workplace writing ideas for advertising.

What do you think the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust are gaining from you?

A fresh perspective.

What made you choose the Trust?

I’ve been to Stratford-upon-Avon a few times and I really like it. I like the theatre; I like the whole atmosphere. I’m from London but I live and go to the University in Birmingham.

Sam Cheeseright, Marketing Intern
Sam Cheeseright, Marketing Intern

What’s your favourite thing about the Trust?

It’s cool to promote events and see your work go live and to feel like you’re contributing to something. I did a summary of all the events going on in the summer holidays last minute one day and then it was online by the afternoon which was really good to see.

How does this help you progress?

I don’t actually know what I want to do with my degree so it helps gives me experience of a workplace. There’s lots of different departments as well. I'm doing an afternoon in Digital and I may get an opportunity to see what the PR department gets up to.

Do you have any advice for people considering volunteering or taking part in an internship?

Do it! There’s nothing to be afraid of.

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