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Winter at MAF: The Tudors

The Mary Arden's Farm team continues work on preparations for making the farm ready for reopening in March. Take a look at their latest project: help from the Tudors!

Samantha Gull

In the second winter update from Mary Arden's Farm we are looking at how our team of Tudors spend the closed season.

Winter Clean Week 2
Work in the great outdoors

Each year at the end of October our seasonal Tudor guides officially leave us, but that doesn’t stop our fabulous team of volunteers coming to lend a hand over the winter months (generally wearing 21st century clothes!). The work is very varied; lots of outdoor jobs in all weathers and preparing the site for the year ahead.

These are some of the jobs that our volunteers have been tackling:

  • Work completed on the bread oven, which now has a very smart brick border around the door to make it sturdier and ensure the door fits snugly.

  • Weeds, dead leaves and general debris cleared out of Palmer’s farmyard.

  • Lots of weeding, pruning and digging over beds in the front garden of Palmer’s.

  • Chipping rust off metal bands on the Tudor washing up tubs!

  • Raking leaves off the staff car park.

  • Our weekly sewing group continues to valiantly work their way through repairing the Tudor clothes, as well as making new ones.

Winter Clean Week 2.1
The new and improved bread oven

Of course, at heart the team are still Tudors, so they were very happy to get dressed up and take part in Plough Sunday at Wilmcote Church on Sunday 21 January. Plough Sunday traditionally takes place on the first Sunday after Twelfth Night. The plough is bedecked in greenery and carried to the church to be blessed by the Vicar. The farm has been taking part in this service for many years now, and it’s always a lovely opportunity to get involved with the local community!

Winter Clean Week 2.2
Repairs being made on our Tudor clothing

Not bad for a week’s work, I think you’ll agree!

Sound like fun? Find out more about volunteering at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust!

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