Shakespeare Quotes on Friendship
Shakespeare's advice on friendship
Shakespeare often portrays the complicated nature of friendship in his works; friends can be the source of joy and profound unity, but also of sorrow and suffering. Below is listed some of the advice Shakespeare gives on the subject in his plays and poems.
Top Shakespeare Quotes on Friendship
But where there is true friendship, there needs none
— Timon of Athens, Act 1 Scene 2, LINE 17; TIMON
The band that seems to tie their friendship together will be the very strangler of their amity
— Antony and Cleopatra, Act 2 Scene 6, LINES 117-19; ENOBARBUS TO MENAS

That which I would discover / The law of friendship bids me to conceal
— Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act 3 Scene 1, LINES 4-5; PROTEUS TO THE DUKE OF MILAN
Friendship is constant in all other things / Save in the office and affairs of love
— Much Ado About Nothing, Act 2 Scene 1, LINES 166-67; CLAUDIO

Thy friendship makes us fresh
Keep thy friend / Under thy own life’s key.
— All's Well That Ends Well, Act 1 Scene 1, LINES 65-66; COUNTESS OF ROSSILLION TO BERTRAM

I count myself in nothing else so happy / As in a soul remembering my good friends
— Richard II, Act 2 Scene 3, LINES 46-47; BOLINGBROKE TO PERCY
Most friendship is feigning, most loving is folly
— As You Like It, Act 2 Scene 7, LINE 186; AMIENS

There is flattery in friendship
— Henry V, Act 3 Scene 7, LINES 111-12; CONSTABLE TO ORLEANS
To me, fair friend, you never can be old
— Sonnet 104, Line 1
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