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89 results
Othello: The Moor of Venice
Explore Shakespeare Shakespedia Shakespeare's Plays
A complete summary of William Shakespeare's Play, Othello. Find out more about how Iago manipulates everyone around him and the rise of Othello's jealousy
Shakespeare in Dutch
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
In honour of Koningsday, a Netherlands holiday, we've written about an eighteenth-century Dutch translation held in the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Library.
Tales from the Reading Room
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Just a few stories of the success of our collections
Shakespeare and The Art of Wooing
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
A discussion on Shakespeare's depiction of lovers and their wooing methods to celebrate Valentine's Day.
From RADA to the Bard - drama students visit Shakespeare's Birthplace
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Experience the enthusiasm of young actors for Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Singing Advent Calendar - December 1st
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Join in with festivities at Shakespeare Birthplace Trust with our new Shakespeare’s Singing Advent Calendar!
William Shakespeare and Robert Burns: “Whaur’s yer Wullie Shakespeare noo?"
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
A blog about Burns' Night which discusses the relationship between Burns and Shakespeare.
Shakespeare's Friends: Burbage, Combe and Sadler
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Richard Burbage, Thomas Combe and Hamnet Sadler were all mentioned in Shakespeare's will and were all friends of his.
Nick Walton
About Us News & Media Spokespeople
Spokespeople: Nick Walton - Shakespeare Courses Development Manager
Education Research & Scholars
Publications from members of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust