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The Bust Of Rabindranath Tagore at Shakespeare’s Birthplace
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Find out why there's a bust of Rabindranath Tagore in the garden of Shakespeare’s Birthplace.
Rabindranath Tagore 161st Birthday Celebrations at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Watch the recording of 2022’s Tagore birthday celebrations and find out more about the connection between Shakespeare and the Indian poet.
Shakespeare’s Birthplace Commemorates the 163rd Birthday of Influential Bengali Poet
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Visitors are invited to Shakespeare’s Birthplace to honour the enduring legacy and cultural impact of Rabindranath Tagore, the famous Bengali poet, on what would be his 163rd birthday.
Celebrating Tagore's Birthday Online
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Under normal circumstances, we would have celebrated the birth of Rabindranath Tagore in the gardens at Shakespeare's Birthplace. This year, we took our celebration online.
International Responses to Shakespeare
Education Research & Scholars Research Projects
A research update from Helen A. Hopkins, Ph.D. candidate at Birmingham City University
Tagore Celebrations at Shakespeare's Birthplace
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
On Saturday 6th May the annual celebration of Bengali poet RabindranathTagore’s birth was held in the Shakespeare Birthplace garden.