Licensing with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust offers a unique brand endorsement and a wealth of design resources.
Come, go with us; we’ll bring thee to our crews, And show thee all the treasures we have got Which, with ourselves, all rest at thy dispose
— The Two Gentlemen of Verona
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust cares for the world’s greatest Shakespeare heritage sites and holds the world’s largest Shakespeare-related museum and
archives open to the public. We work with our licensing partners to
discover and re-imagine the world of Shakespeare in new and exciting ways: from
herbs and flowers, cookery and crafts, through to unique objects, rare books
and the words that have inspired the world for over 400 years.
We have created the ‘Shakespeare Inspired’ brand to develop a range of products that reflect the Trust’s values, expertise and collections. Our brand packaging designs have a distinctive, contemporary look and feel, and draw inspiration directly from the treasures in our care. A copy of our style guide is available on request.
In turn, the royalties we receive from the sale of licensed products support the vital care and conservation of the Shakespeare houses and collections and help us to inspire a passion for Shakespeare in people around the world.
Our current partners include:
Brand Packaging Solutions, George Pragnell, Iron Gut Publishing, OMAS, the Roberto Group, Royal Crown Derby and the Royal Mint.
To find out more about working with us please email