EDIB policy
Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Policy
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (the Trust) is committed to embedding equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging (EDIB) in all of our work. This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, trustees and audience members.
It is our responsibility to overcome barriers to access, and we will work proactively to deliver against the principles described in this policy.
We are committed to diversifying our audiences, ensuring that everyone has a positive experience with our work and programmes. We are committed to embedding diversity in all of our work including ensuring collections, interpretation and activities are representative, inclusive and relevant to the communities we serve.
We are also committed to tackling unlawful discrimination by, and of, our audiences, contractors and partners.
The purpose of this policy is to meet and exceed our legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010 to create a non-discriminatory environment and promote equality of opportunity.
We aim to weave EDIB into everything we do, guided by these principles:
- Be respectful and considerate
- Celebrate differences and promote positive attitudes to belonging
- Include perspectives that reflect diverse cultures and lifestyles
- Challenge prejudicial views and unconscious biases
- Promote a safe and supportive approach to learning
- Ensure accessibility and fairness, creating positive experiences for all
- Our values underpin how we interact and communicate with our staff, volunteers, audiences, contractors and partners:
- Outward-facing - Embracing and promoting engagement, openness, inclusivity and diversity
- Ambitious - Exuding ambition, action and forward thinking
- Innovative - Celebrating and exploring ideas, imagination, dialogue, adventure and achievement
- Collaborative - Working effectively together to ensure Shakespeare’s legacy, relevance and impact
- Excellent - Pursuing excellence in all we do
- Responsible - Acting responsibly, in the best interests of the Trust, embracing ownership and accountability
The Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 provides a starting point for the basis of our work in this area. It identifies nine “protected characteristics”: Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex, and Sexual orientation (see Appendix 1 for full definitions).
We will also focus on neurodiversity and socio-economic barriers to access, and develop plans to make all our activity as inclusive and accessible as possible.
Our Commitment
We are committed to being an inclusive and diverse organisation. Our work as a National Portfolio Organisation is aligned with Arts Council England’s Inclusivity and Relevance investment principle, which is based on three pillars: Communities; Workforce, Leadership and Governance; and, the Creative Case for Diversity.
EDIB activity is detailed in our annual and 3-year business plan under the Strategy House Pillar - Growing and Delivering as an Organisation. A key deliverable is diversifying our organisation and ways of working. It is also one of our key drivers for change which form part of our Museum Transformation plans.
We recognise that ensuring good practice in recruitment and selection contributes to achieving EDIB across the organisation and in everything we do.
The Trust will demonstrate its commitment to this policy by:
- Providing EDIB training and guidance for all staff, volunteers and trustees, which includes Anti-racism, LGBTQIA+ Awareness, Power and Privilege, Trans Awareness and Unconscious Bias
- Ensuring that EDIB training is embedded in staff, trustee and volunteer induction programmes
- Supporting specific, focussed groups to deliver activity related to this policy, e.g. Proud Shakespeare Delivery Group, Access Working Group
- Embedding EDIB principles in all our project and programme design
- Reviewing existing procedures for recruitment, selection, training and development within the framework of EDIB principles and practice
- Maintaining an EDIB planning group to embed this work across the Trust
- Appointing trustee EDIB champion(s) and inviting them to EDIB planning group quarterly meetings, to align with the Board of Trustees’ governance calendar
- Collecting and monitoring equality and diversity data on our staff, volunteers and trustees on an annual basis with data shared in accordance with Board of Trustees’ governance calendar and any other reporting requirements
- Responding to concerns, resolving grievances and dealing with complaints about discrimination and harassment in a timely manner
- Developing an EDIB action plan which will be regularly reviewed as part of business plan reporting
- Publishing our EDIB Policy on our website
Personal Responsibility
All staff, volunteers and Trustees are expected to behave in the workplace in ways that are consistent with this policy and are encouraged to challenge behaviour that undermines these principles. They are expected to recognise and respect the needs and backgrounds of both colleagues and audiences and treat everyone as they would expect to be treated.
Managers at all levels in the Trust have a special responsibility to lead by example and set high standards of workplace behaviour. Actions that conflict with this policy will not be tolerated.
It is the responsibility of managers and those in supervisory positions to ensure that action is taken to address any matters that appear to contravene this policy, and which fall within their span of control. This can be done with the advice and guidance of the Director of Finance & Resources or the Head of HR.
The CEO, Directors and EDIB Planning Group members are responsible for putting this policy into effect. The Director of Finance & Resources has additional responsibilities to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the policy.
Our Trustee champion(s) will help support the EDIB planning group in developing our work in this area and advocate for, and champion, our work at Board level and outside of the Trust.
Complaints or concerns
If you are concerned about any behaviour, communications or conduct that is not adhering to the principles of this Policy, please raise them with your line manager, Head of Department or the HR department as soon as you are able to do so.
Individuals who believe they have not been treated equitably in accordance with this Policy should raise this immediately though our internal processes. This may include our Grievance, Whistleblowing, Recruitment and Selection or other policies.
Audience members should raise issues with a member of staff as soon as possible.
Review Process
This policy and the necessary supporting procedures will be reviewed to reflect changes in legislation and/or changes to the present terms and conditions of employment for Trust employees.