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Performing Shakespeare's Women

A One-Day, Public Conference

A day devoted to talks and discussions about performing Shakespeare's Women with contributions from leading actors.

During this illuminating and interactive session, attendees will explore some of the most fascinating aspects of Shakespeare's female characters that have enchanted audiences for centuries, in the heart of Stratford-upon-Avon.

What do we value most about Shakespeare's female character, and why?
How does one write about and describe them?

The day concludes with The Shakespeare Birthday Lecture, given this year by Dame Harriet Walter.

Speakers Include:

  • Professor Carol Rutter (University of Warwick)
  • Dr Abigail Roksion-Goodall (The Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham)
  • Dr Paul Edmondson (The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust)
  • Playwright Olivia Negrean
  • Actors Mariah Gale, Alexandra Gilbreath, Amber James, Lucy Phelps and Dame Harriet Walter.

Download the schedule >

The day is presented in collaboration with The Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham.

Part of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust's The Women Who Made Shakespeare project.

Booking Details
The conference takes place in the Lecture Hall at The Shakespeare Institute, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HR.

Registration and coffee starts at 9.30am. Guests can attend in-person, or online.

Tickets available now >

£35 - All day, In-Person (includes The Shakespeare Birthday Lecture)
£25 - All day, Online: (includes The Shakespeare Birthday Lecture)
£15 - The Shakespeare Birthday Lecture Only In-Person
£10 - The Shakespeare Birthday Lecture Only Online

Free online attendance to Shakespeare Institute and University of Birmingham students.

In-person places are limited so booking is recommended.

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