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Shakespeare's Birthday Celebrations

Save the date for Shakespeare’s birthday in his hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon

Celebrate William’s 461st birthday with a special birthday party on Henley Street

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You’re invited to a special birthday party on the street where William Shakespeare was born to celebrate his 461st birthday!

This year we’re focusing on his celebrating his fabulously complex female characters with a unique silent disco experience. Grab a set of headphones and explore two exciting playlists of modern artists inspired by the heroes and anti-heroes found in Shakespeare’s plays.

Boogie the day away with a selection of songs to honour many female powerhouses in popular culture and Shakespeare works to get you in the mood for a modern street party.

Craft Activities

Plus, you’ll be able to get hands on with history at two special craft workshops.

Ania Bas will be showing you how to find your inner Shakespeare with her Creative Writing workshop. Here you will get to know some of Shakespeare female characters better and think about what they mean to people today?

Charlie Tophill will be showing you the art of ‘String printing’. This unusual technique is the process of creating images using string and blocks to create images. Take inspiration from the Women Who Made Shakespeare to produce your own masterpiece.

All activities are drop-in sessions suitable for all ages, they will take place throughout the day and are free to participate, with no pre-booking is required.

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The conference will conclude with ‘The Shakespeare Birthday Lecture (4-5pm) given this year by Dame Harriet Walter.

To find out more >

Part of our multi-year theme, The Women Who Made Shakespeare.


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