Giving the Shakespeare women a history
Exploring the lives of Anne Shakespeare and her daughters
Exploring the lives of Anne Shakespeare and her daughters
Librarian Mareike Doleschal investigates how Shakespeare and Victorian artists represented an iconic plant, the hawthorn, in their works.
Mareike Doleschal Prospero FilesAmy Davies explores how theatre in Shakespeare’s day differs from how we recognise it today.
Amy DaviesLibrarian Mareike Doleschal explores the contrasting associations of nature's most prickly flower, the thistle.
Mareike Doleschal Shakespeare's Favourite Flowers prospero filesGeorghia Ellinas, Head of Learning at Shakespeare’s Globe, writes about her new retelling of the play and the importance of making Shakespeare accessible to young children.
Shop BooksLibrarian Mareike Doleschal explores the history and meaning of the primrose in Tudor and Victorian England.
Mareike Doleschal Shakespeare's Favourite Flowers prospero filesLibrarian Mareike Doleschal discusses the history of a beneficial and beautiful flower, the marigold.
Mareike Doleschal Shakespeare's Favourite Flowers prospero filesCollections Care Assistant Amy Davies delves into the museum collection to discover some of the more unusual items that the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust cares for.
Amy DaviesThe first of two blogs celebrating a beautiful new picture book version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Jane Ray and Georghia Ellinas.
Shop Meet the Maker illustrator BooksLibrarian Mareike Doleschal explores the history of the poppy in Tudor and Victorian England.
Mareike Doleschal Shakespeare's Favourite Flowers prospero files