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Fantastic Feedback on our Family Activities

Read what our visitors had to say about the family activities this season

Family Activities Marquee- New Place and Nash's House

Family Activities Marquee

Last week we bid a fond farewell to the Family Activities Marquee in the Great Garden at New Place and Nash’s House. In total over ten and a half thousand visitors participated in our hands-on activities this season, and we’ve received some tremendous feedback from visitors. Here are just a few of the comments:

'I came with my three children. We all had an excellent afternoon. The activities were very engaging. The level of knowledge and expertise displayed by the staff was first rate. Really engaging. The children all learn more when its hands on. The staff were fantastic. Wished we lived nearer, so we could come back more often.'

'How wonderful, what a delight to find. My 5 & 11 yr old children were engaged throughout. We will be coming back because of the family activities. Staff very kind and informative. Thank you.'

'I loved it so much. If only I lived in Stratford, I could come every day. It was awesome!'

We would like to thank the Heritage Education Team and all the staff at Nash’s House for
their support, enthusiasm and expertise over the past few years. This project has been a huge success – loved by families across the world and staff alike!

WWI Activities at Hall's Croft

WW1 Activities at HC

The family activities supporting the WWI exhibition at Hall’s Croft have also proved to be
particularly popular with our visitors. Children have the opportunity to make poppies and medals, dress up and practise their first aid skills. These activities are both educational and engaging, provoking thought across all generations and the feedback has been wonderful:

'Two different activities for two different age groups is a great idea. Kept both of my daughters entertained.'

'Activities in the upstairs room were great, entertaining but also informative and thought provoking for all levels.' 

'Great thought provoking activities and brilliant materials. We spent about 45 minutes here and tried everything. Thanks!'

'We visited because we had a visitor from abroad who wanted to come but we were worried the kids would be bored, but to our surprise found there were kids activities at every site and it turned out to be a marvellous day for the kids! We will recommend to friends for school breaks.'

Visit the First World War exhibition at Hall’s Croft, and explore the all-new Family Activity Marquee when it reopens at Anne Hathaway’s Cottage in spring 2015.